15 Jul Freeview Or Freesat: Which To Choose?
In this current generation, the analogue TVs no longer exists. There are several digital TV services that offer the users with a variety of channels. The main focus will be between the Free View and Free sat. Their differences and benefits will assist you to know the best service to choose. The following are the points that you need to know to help you make the best decision. So Freeview or FreeSat: Which to choose?
It is worth noting that for both of the two, you will not be charged a monthly fee. You will get most of the services as from a digital TV. The major difference is that when you have a free view, it will be delivered through a set top box and an aerial. For the FreeSat, it will be delivered via set top box and a satellite dish.
The different mode of delivery is what makes them unique and determines on the coverage of the channels. The FreeSat covers the total area since it is broadcast. The Free View covers 98% of the total area in the UK and in some instances the signals may be poor. It is wiser to go for the Free Sat when you are likely to experience poor signals.
When it comes to price, Free Sat is more expensive. The satellite dish must be installed and that will cost you some amount of money. You may also have that urge to add more cables and connections for some other boxes and that will cost more. For the Free View, you only need an aerial and you are good to go.
If you own a dish from previous services, you will still be required to purchase specific set top boxes from Free Sat. These set top boxes are not cheap either. The least prices in the market start from 44 Euros. The TVs facilitating this service are also expensive but you will enjoy the Ultra HD features. When it comes to Free View, once you have an aerial and a Free View enabled TV, you are able to enjoy the services.
When you have a Free View, you will enjoy more than 70 TV channels and 20 radio station channels. You will also get to enjoy 12 channels on HD. When you have a Free Sat, you will have access to over 200 channels. When you have enrolled for a Smart Free Sat TV services, you may also enjoy some channels available in the pay TV.
You should however note that you can record your favorite programs from both of the set top boxes. When you want to have the set top box that will record, you should go for ones that have a plus sign after the name of the brand.
These two service providers come with both advantages and disadvantages. Free View is considered as the entry level and the cheapest of them all. It may however have poor image quality due to poor reception of the aerials. On the other hand, Free Sat is considered to be expensive, but it comes with a variety of channels to enjoy. If you have a dish, it may be cheaper to acquire the Free Sat and get to enjoy most of the channels they offer.
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